Main Purpose:
Manage and grow Brand through brand-driven activation, renovation of current core portfolio and brilliant implementation of NPDplatforms
Achieve brand share and profitable NPS/profit growth targets through translation of brand & marketing plans into market-implementation and customer plans (with potential for tailor-made activities)
Champion competitive behaviour and mindset throughout the business and translate it into targeted marketing activities to growbrand share
Deliver market- and customer-knowledge driven input into innovation platform projects and brand planningtoensure marketrequirementswillbemetinthefuture
Lead market implementation of those platforms and develop world-class activationmix.
Job Description:
Development of a share-growth-oriented marketing & category plan that seizes opportunities in product renovation, pricing strategy, competitor activities, customer/channel (e.g. convenience format, discounter) specificneeds
Represent consumer (insights), brand strategy and product quality requirements on the cross- functional discounterteam
Develop & lead implementation of activation platforms and ideas based on the brand vision plan workingwithICFcommunicationteamsandagenciesforRM,PR,BTLforthebrand
Translate marketing & category plan into a business framework andoptimize commercial opportunities(identifythreats).Feedintomonthlyandannualplanningprocesses.
Develop and implement 12-18 month portfolio roadmap including product range & quality, brand build,valuedeliveryforconsumers,pricing&affordability,rangeextension.
Pro-activelyfeed market,categoryand customerrequirementsintoplatforminnovationprojects
Champion optimal launch of innovationplatform
Work with communication team to ensure single minded communication message is created in line withthebrandbuildingcommunicationplan,consistentwithcategoryneeds.
Monitor and review effectiveness of innovation and renovation programme to inform future plans. Ensurecontinuedfocusonandsupportofinnovationplatformsoncelaunched.
Management of marketing budgets within agreed targets and align with customer advertising activities.
Other tasks assigned by linemanager
Job Requirements:
1-2 years classic brand managementexperience in an FMCGenvironment.
Business management and brand development experience
A Unilever é uma organização comprometida com equidade, inclusão e diversidade para impulsionar nossos resultados de negócios e criar um futuro melhor, a cada dia, para nossos diversos funcionários, consumidores globais, parceiros e comunidades. Acreditamos que uma força de trabalho diversificada nos permite igualar nossas ambições de crescimento e impulsionar a inclusão em todo o negócio. Na Unilever estamos interessados em cada indivíduo trazendo seu "Eu como um todo" para o trabalho e isso inclui você! Assim, se você precisar de algum suporte ou requisitos de acesso, nós o encorajamos a nos aconselhar no momento de sua inscrição para que possamos apoiá-lo através de sua jornada de recrutamento.
Entre em contato com a gente
Estamos sempre nos conectando com aquelas pessoas que compartilham o interesse de construir um futuro sustentável.
Entre em contato com a Unilever e equipes especializadas em nossa sede, ou encontre contatos em todo o mundo.